If looking to build your home gym or just want to do a little exercise at home or outside then you need a set of dumbbells and legal steroids to start with your home gym. For a small investment, you can get a set of Dumbbells that you can basically use to work your whole body yet they take up no room and can be used anywhere in the home or taken outside.
For those of you who haven’t been introduced to Dumbbells, they typically come in various forms. Most have a small bar with a static weight on either end. Many dumbbells available are a molded one-piece items made from plastic or foam. Others have discs or varying weights that can be swapped out, added to, and so on.
The molded and integrated dumbbells generally cost less but are sturdy and safe to use. However you can end up buying several pairs of varying weight as your training progresses, which can offset the savings, made initially plus you have more equipment to store and move around. Over time the adjustable dumbbell sets allow you to progress with your training as you can choose how much weight you want to work with. The only real issue is adding or taking off weights between each exercise which can add on some extra time.
From a safety perspective always make sure the weights are securely fastened before performing any exercise as the last thing you want is a 5kg weight flying off the bar as you perform a bicep curl or overhead press. When training at home it is easy to not be dressed properly. Always wear suitable footwear because a 5kg dumbbell landing on your exposed foot is not a pleasant experience. When you first start to perform dumbell workouts I would advise selecting a light pair of dumbbells. This allows you to control the weights confidently when performing the exercises. You will find that when doing a dumbell workout for the first time is does take some time for your muscles to get accustomed to using the weights so for various exercises especially those where you are pressing the weight (eg dumbbell bench press) you may find your arms shaking and moving around as you try to keep the proper form while performing the exercise. After a few weeks of consistently using the dumbbell, you should find you can handle them with more ease and control. As a final note if your not sure how to perform any exercise please consider investing in some professional fitness adviser to teach you the correct technique
The main reason I recommend getting a set of dumbbells is that from a training perspective they offer you so much flexibility and variation. With a great variety of dumbbell workout routines to choose from you can easily train all muscle groups in the body. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced trainer you can create an effective workout using a set of dumbbells.
Because a dumbbell is a free weight the range of motion you can apply to your exercises allows you to work your muscles far more effectively than say a weight machine. Also by training with free weights such as dumbbells you use so many more muscles during the session meaning that burn up loads of calories while at the same time improve your body’s coordination and functionality.
If you’re a complete beginner I would recommend starting with a small set of dumbbells that range from 2kg –5kg. For those who are more experienced and have a bigger budget, there are some great dumbbell sets available. A well-known adjustable dumbbell set is the Bowflex brand. They come as a pair of dumbbells with a weight range from 2kg-21kg. The beauty of it is that you don’t have tons of different weights to keep adding and taking, everything is done with the turn of a dial. The benefits of this style of dumbbell are a reduction in messing around changing weights, you don’t need much storage space and you won’t have to keep buying extra bits of equipment as these will last you for a long time. Again I would only look at these if you are serious about your training and are committed to getting the most from your investment.